STRÅ is an Oslo-based architecture practice engaged in the fields of architecture and urban design. The office was established in 2016 and is directed by Anders Byng Strøm and Gustav Jerlvall Jeppsson.
Working for a mixture of private and public clients, the office portfolio contains a diverse selection of projects, ranging from bespoke vacation homes and villas to large-scale buildings, public spaces and strategic planning. Rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition, our work is characterized by both rigor and playfulness.
Our office is situated in a storefront space in Majorstua where we’ve created a small coworking community of creative professionals. Feel free to drop in for a chat and a coffee.

Rebecca Oldroyd Cheetham Laland
+47 403 43 016
MArch. Oslo School of Architecture
Gustav Jerlvall Jeppsson
Partner, Arkitekt
+47 920 34 445
MArch. Royal Danish Academy
Anders Byng Strøm
Partner, Arkitekt
+47 403 88 182
MArch. Aarhus School of Architecture

STRÅ has experience in all stages of project delivery, from feasibility studies and zoning plans through planning permission, tendering and working drawings to building site follow-up.
Leading our projects from the first sketch through their realizations, we have acquired in-depth experience with a broad range of typologies, including private houses and cabins, large-scale residential projects, commercial, educational and cultural buildings, sports halls and public infrastructure.
Strong interpersonal skills coupled with extensive experience achieving architectural quality within stringent budgets, ensures good relations with our clients and collaborators.
We offers expertise in the following areas
- Concept development / Konseptutvikling
- Feasibility studies / Mulighetsstudier
- Detailed planning / Detaljprosjektering
- Tender packages / Anbudsbeskrivelser
- User processes / Brukermedvirkning
- Masterplan work / Masterplanarbeid
- Zooning planing / Reguleringsarbeid
- BIM planning / BIM-prosjektering
- Strategic design principles / Strategiske designprinsipper
- Sustainable design / Bærekraftig design
- Planning permission / Ansvarlig søker
- Marketing material / Presentasjonsmateriale til markedsføringsformål
including physical models, sales drawings and visualizations
Our office at Industrigatan 60 in Majorstuen
2024 Winner, Flishuset, Arnstein Arneberg prisen, Norge
2024 Publication, Villa Amalia, Nordic Homes, Architecture Immersed in Nature, UK
2024 Nomination, Flishuset, Årets trebyggeri, Norge
2024 Publication, Petersen tegl, Denmark
2023 Publication, FLO, Tidningen Glas, Sverige
2023 Publication, FLO, Enki Magazine, UK
2023 Publication Cabin Knarrvika 2, Nytt Rom, Norge
2023 Publication Cabin Knarrvika 1, Nytt Rom, Norge
2022 Prize, Hvitstenveien 280, Vestby Byggeskikkpris
2022 Publication, Villa Furuholmen, Avivre magazine, Frankrike
2022 Publication, CASAS Internacional 188, Argentina
2022 Lecture, Designinstututet, Norge
2021 Lecture, Oslo Arkitekthøyskole, Norge
2021 Publication, FLO, Bortom Allfarveg, Norge
2021 Exhibition, Fading Boarders, Venice Biennale
2021 Lecture, Ion Mincu University of Architecture, Romania
2021 Publication, Villa Amalia Residence magazine, Sverige
2021 Publication, Villa Amalia, Enki magazine, UK
2020 Publication, Villa Amalia, D2 magazine, Norge
2020 Publication, Villa Amalia Bo Bedre magazine, Norge
2020 Lecture, Huritgpraksis, Norge
2020 Publication, Villa Amalia, ARK Finnish Architectural Review
2018 Publication, Settlement, Ecology & Tectonics, Book edited by Drewniak
2018 Lecture, Akademisk Arkitektforening København
2017 Lecture, COWI København
2017 Exhibition, Rigsdagsgården FN verdensmål 2017
2017 Exhibition, Circular Economy in Architecture, København
Among printed publications, the office work has been published on several architectural websites including, Divisare, Dwell, Archdaily, Afasia, Dezeen, Monocle, and Subilitas.

Elias Tschernutter
Sofie Ramstad
Vemund Lindstad Isum
Mathias Vang Christensen
Petrine Lande Koteng
Laureen Putzolu
Kendra Tellervo Reid
Sofie Hvide
Sarita Poptani
Fredrik Walentin Sandbu
Magnus Hermstad
Scott Lang
Fabio Bellini
Max Neumeister
Wessel Eiendom
Marker Kommune
PEAB eiendomsutvikling
Eidsberg sparebank
Varde Eiendom
Xpanorama As
Indre Østfold Eiendom
Stiftelsen Ørje Brug
Haldenkanalen Regionalpark
Private clients not mentioned

STRÅ is authorized by The National Directorate for Building Quality (DIBK) and is a member of The National Federation for Norwegian Architects (MNAL) as well as Arkitektbedriftene.